Friday, April 8, 2011

Being Mary

I’ve lost a child. Felt it die. Known the pain of loss. Carried the memory around in my heart. Known that the death was for the best and that life will be better because of that.
I’ve raised some beautiful and intelligent children. I’ve watched them grow wondering how they will change the world. How they will improve the lives of those around them.
The power of Mary is amazing. To raise this beautiful blessing knowing that He is going to change the world.
Knowing that He is no hers. Knowing that He was going to be doing amazing things in His life. Watching His following grow. Being proud of this man who was once her tiny baby born in a manger.
Coming to terms with the pain of His death. Knowing that He could call on God and be released from all of this and He doesn’t. Watching Him take it and feeling the pain along with Him as any mother does. Praying that she could take some of this pain from Him because that is a mother’s love.
Watching His final moments on the cross. Praying for help. Praying for wisdom. Accepting His death and wanting to do what was best for Him in His death; what He would have wanted her to do. Embracing the strong mother role that was needed to console the rest of the family and the disciples.
The relief and joy that would come with His being raised from the dead. Knowing that death could not hold her baby down. The knowledge that He has gone to live with His father and that He has made life better for all of man-kind.
Giving birth to this baby, all alone, with only her husband there. Being young and scared and in unfamiliar territory. Not knowing what was going to happen. The pain and fear that comes with having a baby. Knowing in her heart that everything will be ok. That they will both come out of it healthy and happy. Because God would not have promised her just to have it all end that night.
Looking at that beautiful baby. Knowing that He was going to rely on her for the next number of years so that she can rely on Him for the rest of hers. Looking at that fragile life that God had entrusted to her and realizing that He would grow into a strong and powerful man.
That is the power of Mary. She set the bar on motherhood. She inspires me daily to do more, be more, to endure, and to pray for wisdom. She accepted her calling and went at it full force. So what’s holding me back? What’s holding you back?

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