Today was my first day off for the school year. To get technical, it's the first day I wasn't needed in any of the schools. It was a really weird day.
I spent the day listening to Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee. The ending blew me away and reminded me that what I do is my mission, it's not me.
This morning I awoke early with this crazy dream about how to use the 3 main learning styles (kinesthetic, visual, audible) to reteach the classes I had yesterday. Which isn't too wild until I started talking to the kids why I do what I do and then the principal overheard and I ended up speaking to an auditorium of teachers. That would be me doing the work instead of living in the mission.
My mission is to make a difference in every student's life I can. I want to encourage them in some way that will have a lasting effect. Seeing some of these families and the lives they choose to live or currently have to live, makes me want to show them that there is another way to live.
That is just a small portion of students. The rest ...I just want them to know that I see the greatness in them. The thing that irritates everyone else is going to be a strength some day. (That's what I tell my strong-willed daughter.) I don't want their spirit crushed. If I can help them channel it for good or for something useful, I celebrate.
There's another portion that just needs to be seen. I'll never forget the day that the class was talking about about positive words we can use. One of the students raised his hand and said, "Just like Mrs Radtke tells us all the time. We are awesome and amazing. " I celebrated because at least one heard and took it to heart. That's what I would love every student to hear and know ...I see them as awesome and amazing. That I know they are designed for something greater than where they are right now.
I love to just sit and listen to them. Let them know that they are being actually heard and that I care that this means so much to them. They seem stunned that I actually want to listen to them.
Day 2 because even though I have a day of life doesn't stop ...took my Tiny girl into school today and one of the boys in her grade asked who I was working for today. "No one. " "Then why are you here?" That made me pause. I would go and hang out every day in their school if they would let me. But here's the best part ..."Well, can I have a hug?" And that is why I do what I do. This boy had been labeled and he does have some moments where there is no solution until he chooses (which sometimes leads to really long days) but I have made a point to get to know him and to listen to him and to give him words of encouragement and support whenever I see him. Today, I got to give a hug and encourage him to have a fantastic day.
Which reminds me of one last story. Those trouble kids ...whenever a fellow student warns me about them, I shoot it down. I let the whole class know that they won't be a problem for me because they are awesome when I'm around. We understand each other. It works 80% of the time. If they're in a mood, they take it as a challenge. Makes for an interesting day.
I am truly thankful that the events in my life have led me to find my passion and my purpose. This is something I would do even if I didn't get paid. That is the definition of purpose.
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