Sunday, July 9, 2017

Toughen Up

Lately almost every book I have been reading is for me to teach it to someone else. Starting up the website for the 5th graders has been an amazing refresher for the way I read books. So has working on getting a mentoring program running at church.

I just got done reading Toughen Up by Claude Hamilton.
The way he lined up the way the book flowed kept me reading night after night. I dedicated myself to reading a chapter a night until it was done and I was thrilled to have accomplished that goal. It was the perfect book to start the habit with.

The story line of the book is the small steps that need to be taken to be successful. He relates it to his business but I saw how each step could help me in teaching and how my girls could use it to be more successful in school and just any relationship in general.

The topics he covers in the book are:

  • Rules of Engagement: Attitude, Courage, and Character
  • Oath of Allegiance: Duty, Honor, and Relationships
  • The Pointy Tip: Passion and Tenacity
I was thinking what I would share about the book that moved me the most that would make someone else want to read the book. 

Besides how amazing I think it would be for my daughters to learn these strengths, many of them hit home to myself and how I know most of these things but don't always do such a hot job following through on them. 

While reviewing the sections I highlighted while reading the book, I came across the section on relationships. I do a really good job building relationships, and following some of the suggestions he gives, when I'm at school. I'm working on it at home with my daughters better too. The eldest came and gave me an impromptu hug after I was talking to her about my bad attitude and how I'm just done with people at the moment. She rubbed my back and said something nice. It was a joy-filled moment. But what I realized while reviewing that section is that I don't do a very good job doing those suggestions with adults. I stink at grow up relationships. I just don't get people sometimes and I don't like feeling dumb. Which is where courage needs to come into play. 

I am extremely thankful that I read this book now and am able to take action now to make changes while I have less things on my plate every day. Pray for me that my past doesn't override what I want to do to make my future better. 

I would suggest this book to everyone that wants to make themselves a better person. Or anyone that  works with a team of people. We all know that getting people to work together to accomplish the same goal is one of the hardest things to accomplish. I think this book will help.

Until next time,
Have a Blessed day