Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have lost my mind. Seriously, lost it. Not quite sure where it went, or what I did with it. Been trying to feel like I've accomplished something with my day and I'm not getting it. I look back at the end of the day or first thing the next morning and I can see that I did things with my day. I'm just not feeling like I accomplished anything.

It's probably because I have a "to do" list that's 20 miles long. Or it could be the constant chatter from the girls in the background all day long that is making me go batty. I zone out and get things accomplished so that I don't have to listen to the wars.

Maybe I have to go back to plugging in my earbuds so that I focus on the music as inspiration instead of the girls.

I do my Bible study every day...Power of the Praying Wife on the way to school, Made to Crave in the afternoon, also Daddy Date once I'm done with those two. Maybe I'm putting too much information into my brain at once and therefore not getting anywhere because I'm backlogged.

Maybe I need a vacation. Yup, think I need a vacation.
Hubby will say that I need to be more active. Not quite sure how I could do all that I need/want to get done by moving more than I already am.

Think I may sell the children today. As cute as they are, I just don't know that I can take another 7 hours of them today. One more hour until I get them out of the house and get to take a walk in all of God's glory. Praying the rain stays turned off until I get back home from collecting my girl.

Definitely digging out the music. Wish me luck.

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