Friday, February 25, 2011


We have designed a plan for bedtime stories. It came about from when my husband was working in Florida for 3 weeks at a time (home for a week and back again). The girls and I would go to the library and fill up our bags with some good books to read. After we got all of our getting-ready-for-bed steps done, we would all snuggle down and start reading books. There were nights that I would read 10 children's books before I had to tell them to go to sleep. It was getting to be too much and they were staying up way too late just to listen to stories.
Then I cut it back to 3 stories each. Still too much, especially when Daddy was home.
Finally came up with the plan. Each girl gets one children's book to have read to them. Then we do our prayers and a devotional. Then all the lights get turned off and Mom gets to read Close-Your-Eye story. It's a chapter book of random choosing and the idea is that they close their eyes and imagine what is happening in the story. It's one to two chapters a night so mom and dad can get out of there at a reasonable hour to spend time together. That is if Daddy doesn't fall asleep while mom's reading.
It has become everyone's favorite part of the day.

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