Friday, March 9, 2012

Girls Retreat 2012 (part 3)

The retreat ended with some pretty powerful sessions.

The Stuff You Use Every Day.
"I like opened my mouth, and she said it."
What is the difference between the stuff you use every day and the things that you need, your necessities. The girls acknowledge that we live in a complicated, complex, technological society. That the stuff we need to survive in today's world isn't all necessarily a necessity but we would be living a very hard life in America if we didn't acknowledge toilets, toilet paper, deodorant, cars. They agreed that we use a lot more stuff every day than we need to be having or using every day. And having stuff isn't always a bad thing. It turns bad when you stop thinking of them as tools and start thinking of them as treasures. The girls were warned to be on their guard for every form of greed. To store up to make an easy life isn't always using the best of our abilities to live the life Christ designed for us. It's not bad to have things and success in life. It turns bad when all you do is want more. Greed misinterprets the meaning of life. Greed says "more", while coveting says "all". We tend to want our stuff to label us. We think that our things will show the world how smart and successful we are. Are there things you just can't get enough of? Becareful of those things. We can become wrapped up in the having and storing of things rather than using what has been given us for the glory of God's kingdom. For example, those clothes that don't fit you anymore, give them away. There is a woman out there with hardly anything, looking to better herself, and make herself feel successful as she creates her success.

Tithing gives us perspective. It allows us to be good stewards to the earth. It teaches us that we can live on less than we acquire. Everything you are and have belongs to the Lord. Your body, your time, the buttons on your clothes, and the phone in your pocket all belong to the Lord and can be used for His glory. Dare to be Sold Out to God. Learn to be content.

How are your desires controlling you? Dispose of the attitude of need if you can not remove the item of necessity. He is our Earl, our Lord over all.

We watched a video My Own Little World. It shows us our labels and how it's time to step out of our population of me.

Does your heart break for the things that breaks God's heart?

God uses everything that the enemy puts in our path for His purposes.

And now the reason for the boat in the room. Matthew 14:22. Jesus made the disciples get into the boat so that He could go to pray. Matthew 14:27. Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid.

Peter's faith was strong enough to step out of the boat. It wasn't until he took his eyes off Christ that he started to sink. His faith was stronger than the other 11 that stayed huddled in the boat in the middle of the storm. Our boat may be really comfortable and it might not be easy to step out of. Faith is hard, it takes courage and strength. Faith takes us from where we are to where we need to be.

A shark (and a goldfish) will stay the size of the tank it is in. Once released it will grow to full size. Step out of your tank and grow to your full potential.

You can respond in fear or faith to Jesus. We need to take the worries to Him and He will give us our faith.

Do you have a risk taking faith? What is God calling you to do? Don't focus on your labels. Focus on what you can do. What is keeping you in the boat? Toss it overboard.

They shared a clip from . Go and check them out when you get a chance. They bring the stories to a whole new light. "Why did you say my name?" "Peter, that's grace."

And that is the end of my notes from the retreat. It gave me so much food for thought that I started writing out my life story and the lessons that I learned from it. I have 14 big lessons so far in the 10 year period that I chose to start with.