Thursday, December 1, 2011

Recycled Project - Advent Calendar

I loved advent calendars growing up. Raised in a Catholic family we did the advent calendars, lit the advent wreath, and had St Nick come to visit. I am trying to keep some of those traditions alive for my kids. Since today is the first of December, I thought I would share my advent calendar with you.

It has morphed to this as my kids have grown. The first year was little toys wrapped in paper and tucked into an old popcorn tin. A new little toy every day. Then I stuck the toys into old socks because wrapping 50 little toys was just too much for me. Then I decided to put little candies in Easter eggs and tucked them into the same original tin. 75 eggs was easier than 75 toys every year.

This year, I looked at my stack of recyclables and decided to do something with them for advent instead of the usual. Still stuck with the candy idea instead of toys. Almost went to the picture idea because we've been having issues with sneaking candy. May need to work on that idea for next year.

First I tore off the top of 6 egg cartons and painted them while the girls did random art projects of their own. Thought I had pictures of the painting part, guess I was having too much fun. Then I glued two bottoms together to make a set. Was going to try and make it closeable but then all the candy would fall out of the top half. Eh...the girls will love it this way as well.

Then I spent last night tracing a plastic egg to make 72 circles to cover each pocket full of candy. Cut them all out and put them somewhere safe until this morning. (Yes, did this last part all before 5am and washed the floors and did the dishes.)

I chose for our selection some mint chocolate M&Ms, some mint truffle kisses, mini Tootsie Pop Drops, and mini Blow Pops. I was just going to do the chocolate mint but then I saw the Tootsies and the Blow Pops and knew the girls would enjoy those as well.

And this is how they wait on my counter for the girls to wake up. Which the alarm has just rang for me to go and do. Another filled day awaits...but I so need a nap. Glad today is Thursday and I know the day will end with the hubby taking me out for our weekly date. Wonder where it will be tonight.

I also wonder how many of you celebrate Advent and if you do calendars. Would love to see them.

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